Economy & Trade

India Backtracks on China Trade and Investment Negativity: Return to Normality After Military Retreats


We briefly examine and contextualize recent developments, which may result in India-China trade and business relations normalizing this year.

Coronavirus in India: Tracking Daily Updates in 2021


Tracking daily updates of the coronavirus outbreak and pandemic response in India in 2021.

The EU and India Launch High Level Talks on Trade and Investment


The EU and India held their first high-level dialogue in early February, which included discussions on trade, market access and COVID vaccine distribution.

India, UK Agree to Immediate ‘Enhanced Trade Partnership’


The British Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss, and Shri Piysuh Goyal, India’s Minister for Commerce and Industry, have released a joint statement today laying the groundwork for an ‘Enhanced Trade Partnership’ (ETP).

How Tesla Structured a Tax Efficient Manufacturing Investment Strategy in India


Tesla entered the Indian market in early January, setting up its subsidiary in Bengaluru and investing via the Netherlands to take advantage of tax benefits.

The India Africa Trade Council to Kickstart Bilateral Trade, Business Relations


The India Africa Trade Council will open 13 trade offices in India’s major cities to assist Indian businesspersons who want to trade with African countries.

India’s Union Budget 2021: Key Provisions Foreign Investors Should Track


India’s Union Budget 2021 was unveiled today and focused on macroeconomic revival, with spending hikes for infrastructure and incentives to ease compliance.

Harnessing Emerging Technologies in India


The International Monetary Fund estimates that India experienced a 10.3% contraction in growth in 2020 but will rebound to 8.8% in 2021, regaining ground as the fastest-growing emerging economy. How can emerging technologies further boost productivity, expedite the growth transition and reinforce resilience to future shocks to meet India’s pressing challenges? These questions were posed at […]

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