Economy & Trade

State by State: India and Arizona Trade


Arizona’s trade with India remains limited, but there is scope for improvement. Arizona’s top exports cater to some of India’s fastest growing markets.

India Joins Shanghai Cooperation Organization


India has joined the Eurasian security & trade group the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), with Prime Minister Narendra Modi taking a seat on the SCO Council of Heads of State, its highest authority.

India Opens Talks With Eurasian Economic Union Over Free Trade Agreement


India has commenced negotiations with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) over a Free Trade Agreement that is likely to focus on trade supplies to Russia as a result of EU sanctions affecting Russian consumer markets.

State by State: India and Virginia Trade


In 2014, exports from Virginia to India were worth a total of US $229.97 billion, or 1.06 percent of total U.S. Exports to India. Over the past decade, exports from Virginia have increased a total of 284.6 percent. In this article, we explore the various trade opportunities that exist in India for Virginia-based companies.

State by State: India and New York Trade


New York is known for its banking sector as well as its fashion, entertainment and jewelry industries. The Port of New York and New Jersey (located in New Jersey) is the third busiest port in the United States and the busiest on the East Coast, allowing for excellent import/export links with India and the rest of Asia

State by State: India and California Trade


California is the largest U.S. state exporter to India. Electronics manufacturing, information technology and agriculture could all help trade between India and California grow.

Doing Business in ASEAN Guide Contains India FTA and Trade Details


The new Doing Business in ASEAN guide contains India FTA and trade details for companies that would like to take advantage of changing regional dynamics. Indian companies should take note of our commentary on regional agreements that allow manufacturers and sourcing businesses to access new Asian markets.

State by State: India and Michigan Trade


Michigan’s exports to India are increasing, but India’s growing market presents an opportunity for Michigan businesses to expand trade with India further.

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