Economy & Trade

India and Australia to Strengthen Ties through Long-Awaited Uranium Deal


Australian PM Tony Abbott, arrived in Mumbai last week and met with Indian counterpart Narendra Modi during a two-day visit aimed at boosting trade. High on the agenda was the signing of a deal for Australian uranium, which makes up an estimated 40 percent of the world’s known reserves.

Encouraging Signs for Indian Economy as Modi Completes First Quarter in Office


This week saw Narendra Modi reach his 100th day as prime minister, and early signs indicate that India’s new leader is steering the country’s economy in the right direction. Statistics released this week show a gradual rejuvenation in the Indian economy.

Japan Infrastructure Deal to Unlock Further Opportunities in India


Japan has promised it will invest approximately US$35 billion into several next-generation infrastructure projects in India, including public transportation and smart cities. This will alleviate the country’s infrastructure disadvantage, and help steer India in the right direction to maximize its vast investment potential.

Reaching the Consumer Market in India


Determining the best route for market entry or expansion into India requires careful consideration of a wide variety of factors, including the intended scope of investment, nature of business activities, tax implications, and legal liability.

The Indian Advantage: Asia’s Next Manufacturing Juggernaut


India is currently the fourth most competitive manufacturing destination worldwide and is forecast to become second only to China by 2018.

Evaluating the Consumer Market: Key Sectors in India


Several key growth sectors and industries make India an increasingly appealing destination for foreign companies seeking out new markets for their products and services. In this article, we review the country’s retail market and highlight key FDI regulations for foreign investors.

India’s Whiskey Brands Report Good Times Ahead for Industry


India’s thirst for whiskey continues to grow as local firms charted some of the largest growths worldwide in 2013, according to a recent report.

ASEAN-India Services and Investment FTA Inches Closer to Implementation


The ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement in Services and Investment is one step closer to implementation following approval by Thailand’s Ministry of Commerce to accept the terms outlined in the region-wide agreement.

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