The BRICS New Development Bank: India’s Power Play?
Intended to facilitate greater financial cooperation between emerging markets, the BRICS bank may become a key component of Modi’s short- and long-term economic agenda in the coming years.
SEZs and the Indian Economy: A Roadmap for the Future?
India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry has released new statistics that highlight the positive impact of special economic zones on economic growth and development — a trend the new BJP government is keen on sustaining and enhancing in the future.
Passage to India: Selling to India’s Consumer Market: New Issue of India Briefing Magazine
In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we explore several key growth sectors and industries that enhance India’s appeal to foreign companies seeking out new markets for their products and services, as well as outline the fundamentals of India’s import policies and procedures.
The New 2014 Indian Budget in Foreign Investment and USD Terms
The new Indian Budget for the fiscal year 2014-15 was presented yesterday – while many commentators have concentrated on the lack of significant changes in the existing tax regime, there are a number of interesting pointers that foreign investors would be wise to track.
World Bank Grants Loan for Highway Improvement Project in India
India has signed a US$500 million loan agreement with the World Bank to fund its National Highway Inter-connectivity Improvement Project.
UK to Strengthen Economic Ties with India
Britain’s finance minister and foreign secretary are in India this week seeking to strengthen economic ties between the two countries and enhance bilateral cooperation in defense and infrastructure development.
India and China Sign Development Agreement on Industrial Parks
China and India have signed an MoU to promote investment into India’s industrial parks, as well as two additional agreements for mutual cooperation.
India and Pakistan Move to Liberalize Trade Ties
India’s Minister for Commerce and Industry will reportedly discuss a new roadmap for trade liberalization with the Pakistani Federal Minister for Commerce next month.