Singapore Overtakes Mauritius as Top Source of FDI into India as GAAR Looms
Singapore overtook Mauritius last year as the leading source of FDI into India, highlighting concerns among foreign investors that India’s General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR) may impact the benefits of routing funds through through Mauritius.
Foreign Investors Await Signs of BJP Action on Tax Disputes
As Narendra Modi and the BJP determine how to best deliver upon the party’s lofty economic promises, foreign business leaders will be watching closely as the new administration mulls its options for resolving several high-profile tax disputes launched by the outgoing Congress party.
Indian Companies Refocus Investment Domestically
Further signaling renewed faith in India’s economic prowess, overseas direct investment by Indian companies fell in recent months, accompanied by a refocusing of resources and capital on domestic operations.
DIPP to Push for Higher FDI Cap in E-Commerce
India’s Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion has announced it will soon push for a higher FDI cap in e-commerce as part of the department’s strategy to stimulate foreign investment.
Narendra Modi and the BJP Win Landslide Victory
The landslide victory for pro-business leader Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party in India’s national elections has left foreign investors optimistic about India’s economic prospects and triggered a record-breaking weekend for the country’s stock market.
El Niño Looms Over India’s Economy
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India is predicting the climatic event El Niño may have a significant impact on the Indian economy later this year, which may result in as much as a 1.75 percent loss to GDP.
Will the Rains Come? Reflections on an India at the Point of Economic Renewal
India faces a parched economic landscape in desperate need of refreshing to unleash the country’s great promise. While facing many daunting challenges, India’s next leader will inherit tremendous opportunities as well.
Potential for European Investment in India to Increase after Elections
According to a new report from the Europe India Chamber of Commerce, India will remain an increasingly popular destination for European companies and investors due to the country’s growing consumer base, proximity to booming markets and the nation’s skilled workforce.