
Domestic Firms Head Investment Rush in India’s Fastest Growing State


A multitude of Indian companies have this week announced plans to invest in Madhya Pradesh, India’s fastest growing state. The announcements arrive on the back of new Madhya Pradesh policies to shift from an agriculture-based economy to an industry-based one, and will provide a boost to employment opportunities.

The Indian Super League: Destined for Economic Success, or Doomed to Fail?


Next weekend, India will launch the inaugural season of its Indian Super League (ISL). Having attracted a number of high-profile foreign players, there is a great deal of optimism surrounding the competition and its ability to attract investment, but its viability as a business model is by no means assured.

Electronics Industry Set for Investment as Part of “Make in India” Campaign


India’s Communications and Information Technology Minister recently addressed German electronics companies to advance Narendra Modi’s “Make in India” policy. Domestic use of energy and electronic products has dramatically increased, and developing India’s electronic industry has been identified as a key goal for continued growth.

Can India’s Newly Drafted Road Safety Laws Help Boost its Economy?


The Indian government has released a draft bill of measures to help tackle road safety and congestion. Long overdue, the bill aims to address some of the many problems that exist in how India regulates its roads, but may also have a profound effect on the country’s still-developing economy.

India Continues Tax Dispute With Cyprus and Mauritius


Negotiations between India and both Cyprus and Mauritius to agree new tax treaties have recently reached another impasse. India is keen to collect on the vast amounts of tax that reside in holding companies on the two island nations, but an agreement looks no closer to being completed.

India Signs Long Awaited Services and Investments FTA with ASEAN


India has formally signed an eagerly anticipated free trade pact in services and investments with the 10 nation ASEAN bloc. When combined with the previous 2009 agreement in goods, the deal will become a comprehensive economic partnership between India and the 10 nation ASEAN bloc.

Japan Infrastructure Deal to Unlock Further Opportunities in India


Japan has promised it will invest approximately US$35 billion into several next-generation infrastructure projects in India, including public transportation and smart cities. This will alleviate the country’s infrastructure disadvantage, and help steer India in the right direction to maximize its vast investment potential.

Expert Commentary: Joint Ventures for Market Entry in India


Although entering into a JV with a domestic partner is required for foreign companies seeking to operate in sectors that do not permit 100 percent FDI, a growing number of JVs with Indian firms are being established for strategic market advantage rather than legal necessity.

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