PLI Scheme for Telecom and Networking Products Manufacturing in India: First List of Benefeciaries
The scheme should reduce import dependency, increase R&D spend, and boost export-oriented production. See list of non-MSME and global beneficiaries here.
India’s Automotive Ecosystem: A Primer for Investors
We provide a wide overview of India’s automotive manufacturing ecosystem, including key industries, market trends, regional clusters, policy support, etc.
Odisha Electric Vehicle Policy, 2021 Targets EV Manufacturing
This article lists key features of the Odisha Electric Vehicle Policy, introduced in August 2021. The policy focuses on EV manufacturing and adoption.
Third-Party Logistics Sector in India: An Overview
We discuss the third-party logistics sector in India, including key growth drivers and major business segments, and touch upon market development prospects.
Investing in India’s Biotechnology Industry: Biopharmaceuticals and Beyond
India’s biotechnology industry is steadily diversifying its capacity from biopharma and clinical research to bio-agro, bio-services, bioIT, and industry applications.
Assam Electric Vehicle Policy, 2021: Everything You Need to Know
The Assam Electric Vehicle Policy, 2021 aims to achieve 25 percent EV market penetration by 2026 and includes incentives for manufacturers.
India’s Fintech Market: Growth Outlook and Investment Opportunities
India has the third largest fintech ecosystem globally and 67 percent of more than 2,100 fintech entities in operation have been set up in the last five years.
How Maharashtra Intends to Become an Electric Vehicle Hub in India
The Maharashtra government facilitates adoption of electric vehicles through price drop incentives and subsidies for both consumers and manufacturers.