
India Allows 100% FDI in Single Brand Retail


The Indian government on Tuesday agreed to allow 100 percent foreign ownership in single brand retail stores, paving the way for international businesses such as Starbucks, Ikea and Adidas to operate independently in the country without having to involve local partners.

India to Loosen Restrictions on FDI into Broadcasting Services


The Government of India is planning to propose a hike in the maxiamum foreign direct investment (FDI) capital allowed in broadcasting services – such as direct-to-home (DTH) and cable TV – to a uniform portion of 74 percent.

India Briefing Now Accessible in Mobile App


Free app brings India Briefing to your fingertips Dec. 16 – The brand new Asia Briefing mobile application brings the latest business news and foreign investment insights from India Briefing web site right to your fingertips. The free app integrates with legal and tax regulatory updates from Dezan Shira & Associates, along with China, Vietnam, […]

Amendments in FDI Policy for India’s Pharma Sectors


The government of India has already allowed 100 percent FDI into the pharmaceuticals industry. Recently, the government has reviewed its policy in the particular sector.

Highlights of the Drafted Telecom Policy


Oct. 13 – The Communication Ministry of India unveiled the new Telecom Policy which contains new rules for the industry. The revised rules, which will substitute the existing framework that has been in place since 1999, aims to have broadband on demand for all citizens. According to the new policy, revenue generation will play an […]

Public-Private Partnerships in India’s National Highways


Sept. 15 – The Indian government foresees Rs. 50,000 crore (US$10.54 billion) in private investments in the highways sector this fiscal as it awards contracts for building 7,300 kilometers (4,536 miles) of roads. According to India’s Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, bids for about 4,600 kilometers have already been received or invited this year […]

Ford to Invest US$1 Billion in New Gujarat Plant


Jul. 29 – U.S. auto giant Ford said yesterday it would invest US$1 billion to build a vehicle assembly and engine plant in Gujarat as it increases production to exploit the country’s burgeoning car market. The new factory will employ around 5,000 workers and will be the firm’s second in India. “Ford has very aggressive […]

2011 Budget Proposal May Lead to Price Hike in Luxury Cars


India’s auto companies that import parts for their assembled car manufacturing may face a cost increase due to the country’s growing customs duty on pre-assembled parts and the expanded definition of semi-knocked down (SKD) kits.

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