India Open to FTA with United States
Nov. 25 – Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that India is willing to consider a free trade pact with the United States similar to the one it already has with Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). “I don’t mind exploring the possibility for a free trade agreement with the United States,” Mr. Singh said during […]
India, United States Sign Agreements on Investment, IPR
Nov. 24 – India has signed agreements on traditional knowledge, intellectual property and investment promotion with the United States during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s first official state visit to the country. One of the first agreements signed is a Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TDKL) Access between the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) and […]
India to Push for Development of Solar Power Industry
Nov. 20 – India is taking a more aggressive stance in developing its solar-power industry by offering more subsidies for the production of renewable energy. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is scheduled to release a solar-power policy soon with details that will allow more solar projects to receive government funding. Ministry director, B. […]
India to Consider Importing Rice from Thailand,Vietnam
Nov. 19 – India is considering importing rice from Thailand and Vietnam to supplement the low kharif crop despite currently having surplus grains. This will be the first time in two decades that India will need to import rice to meet its own needs. The kharif rice crop is forecast to be low this year […]
Pranav Mistry Shows Off ‘SixthSense’ Technology
Nov. 18 – Pranav Mistry, India’s IT wunderkind, demonstrated his “SixthSense” technology at the TED India conference this year. In a presentation to a packed house (video after the break), Mistry showed off tools that allow the physical world to interact with the digital one, including a paper “laptop” and a virtual camera. It’s a […]
Luxury Auto Brands Head to India Salesrooms
Nov. 16 – India’s big spenders are seducing the world’s premium auto brands to make their products more easily available in India. Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, Mercedes and Porsche are all sending their premium vehicles to the Indian market, even as U.S. automakers are scaling down operations and reworking their strategy towards fuel-efficient smaller vehicles. “Today, […]
Iconic Volkswagen Beetle to be Launched in India Next Month
Nov. 12 – Not satisfied with selling the Passat, Jetta and the Touareg in India, Volkswagen is now expected to bring the new Beetle to launch in India before the year’s end, if we’re to believe a report that has revealed to the Indian media during the India economic summit. Although the Volkswagen Beetle was […]
Ministry Amends Rules for Foreign Arms Companies
Nov. 12- India’s Ministry of Defense has changed rules that could allow foreign arms companies blacklisted pending a bribery case to join tests aimed at modernizing the army. The ministry banned local and foreign firms in June based on a suspected bribery charge on the former chief of the Ordinance Factories’ Board, Sudipta Ghosh. The […]