Legal & Regulatory

India’s Central Bank Grants ‘In-Principle’ License to 50 Payment Aggregators: Key Details


We provide a list of all the entities whose applications to the RBI have been approved, are in process, or have been returned. 

Google Loses Bid to Block Indian Android Antitrust Ruling, Assures Cooperation with CCI


India’s antitrust regulator CCI has levied a $161 million fine on Google and ordered it to lift restrictions on device manufacturers like pre-installation of Google apps.

India’s Antitrust Regulator Could Impose Penalty Fines on Entity’s Global Turnover


India is proposing changes to its antitrust regime under the draft competition amendment bill that will levy much higher fines for violations.

New Shipping Board in India to Fix Tariff at Major Ports, Adjudicate PPP Disputes


We discuss the launch of the Major Ports Adjudicatory Board and how it will assist port logistics in India and streamline PPP operations.

India’s Draft Online Gaming Rules: What Investors Should Be Aware Of


Draft rules for online gaming in India was open for public feedback till January 17 this year. We discuss the key provisions.

India Appoints Nodal Ministries to Regulate Online Gaming, E-sports Industries


India has given legitimacy to the online gaming and e-sports industries by designating the IT Ministry and the Sports Ministry as their respective nodal ministries.

2022 Winter Session of the Indian Parliament: A Look at Key Bills


We list the bills expected to be tabled in the winter session of the Indian parliament – held between December 7, 2022 to December 29, 2022.

Splitting Posts of Chairman and MD/CEO Now Voluntary: SEBI


India’s securities regulator SEBI wants the top 500 listed companies to split the position of chairman and managing director but is making it voluntary due to low compliance.

Showing 8 of 730 articles
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Related reading
  • The IT Sector: Time to Invest in India
  • Tax, Accounting and Audit in India 2017-18 (3rd Edition)
  • India's Digital Payments Future
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2017
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