Appointment and Removal of Independent Directors in India: Alternate Mechanism Notified
New thresholds have been allowed by SEBI, India’s market regulator, for the appointment to and removal of independent directors from boards of companies.
MSMEs in India Now Eligible for Non-Tax Benefits for up to 3 Years After Reclassification
MSMEs in India can avail non-tax benefits, such as the public procurement policy or relaxation for delayed payments, for up to three years after category change.
Export-Import in India FY 2023: Trends and Key Procedures
This article highlights the trends and outlook pertaining to export-import in India, while outlining trade procedures as per FTP 2015-20, which is now in operation till March 30, 2023.
New CSR Rules Limit Disclosure of Key Details in Company Annual Report
Companies can now limit the information disclosed by them on CSR expenditures on ongoing and other CSR projects in their annual reports.
India Revises Paid-Up Capital Threshold for Small Companies, Eases Compliance Burden
By changing the eligibility thresholds for a small company in India, the government is lowering the compliance burden for more businesses.
Deadline for India’s KYC Registration Agencies to Validate KYC Records Extended Till Nov. 2022
KRAs must maintain an audit trail of the upload/modification/download with respect to their clients’ KYC records.
Halal Certification Procedures in India
A halal certification for your product, premise, restaurant, or business will assure customers that it is compliant with halal requirements.
India’s Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022: Proposed Changes to the Antitrust Regime
The Competition (Amendment) Bill, 2022 is expected to get approved during the ongoing Monsoon session of Parliament. We discuss the notable changes.