Foreign Single Brand Retailers in India Can Source from SEZs to Satisfy FDI Requirements
India eased norms for single brand retail FDI, allowing them to fulfill their local sourcing requirements by procuring goods produced in SEZs.
Establishing a Joint Venture in India
Foreign investors entering into joint venture agreements with Indian partners should understand India’s regulatory and tax landscape as well as perform key due diligence checks before incorporation or agreeing to a partnership.
Establishing a Foreign Company in India – New Issue of India Briefing Magazine Out Now
The new issue of India Briefing magazine is out now and available as a complimentary download on the Asia Briefing Publication Store.
How to Establish a Liaison Office in India
Prospective companies and investors seeking to enter the Indian market must carefully consider their options for investment. Here, we outline the functions and requirements for setting up liaison offices in India.
Big FDI Reforms in India – Single Brand Retail, Contract Manufacturers, Coal Mining to Benefit
The government of India has introduced new FDI norms for single-brand retail, coal mining, contract manufacturing, and digital media. In this article, we provide a roundup of all the changes.
The Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 Introduced in India: Mandatory CSR among New Provisions
Companies operating in India or planning to set up should pay close attention to the changes made to the Companies Act to understand legal implications as well as to ensure the smooth running of their business.
Branch Offices in India: How to Set Up
A branch office is a suitable business model for foreign companies looking to establish a temporary presence in India.
Foreign Currency Accounts by Resident and Non-Resident Persons in India
In this article, we discuss the regulations relating to foreign currency accounts and deposits made by a person resident in India and a person resident outside India.