India Regulatory Brief: Gujarat Ahead of Maharashtra in Industrial Investment Survey, Sebi Prepares Guidelines for IPOs
In this week’s Regulatory Brief, we discuss the results of India’s pre-budget Economic Survey, new Sebi guidelines for start-up IPOs, and the lifting of Goa’s iron ore mining ban.
India Regulatory Brief: E-Business Continues to Prosper, Parliament Passes Bill to Increase Insurance FDI Cap
In this edition of India Regulatory Brief, we look at a new report on trends in Indian e-business, discuss the FDI increase in India’s insurance sector, and analyze Assocham’s recent comparative report on India’s Best Performing States.
India Regulatory Brief: Government Plans to Streamline Exports, New Laws for Faster Patent Approvals
In this week’s Regulatory Brief, we look at government plans to simplify India’s export procedures and discuss a proposed law aimed at streamlining patent applications in the country.
India’s FY 2015-16 Budget: Meaning and Implications for Foreign Investment
Although lacking the “big bang” that was speculated before its release, India’s budget for FY 2015-16 creates important opportunities for foreign investors through small but meaningful reforms. In this article, we outline the most important changes for foreign businesses in India.
India Regulatory Brief: New ‘Black Money’ Standards, Changes to Corporate Income Tax
In this week’s Regulatory Brief, we look at Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s plans to curb India’s ‘black money’ problem and lower its high corporate tax rate and discuss investment plans in India’s outdated railway networks.
Setting Up a Wholly Foreign-Owned Subsidiary Company in India
Under Indian law, foreign investors are able to establish wholly owned subsidiary companies (WOS) in the form of private limited companies if they operate in sectors that permit 100 percent foreign direct investment (FDI). In this article, we explain the process involved.
What Indo-U.S. Bilateral APAs Entail For U.S. Investors
India’s decision to negotiate bilateral advance pricing agreements (APAs) with the U.S. is a welcome move. In this article, we discuss some of the important caveats that MNCs must watch out for in complying with India’s nascent APA regime.
India Regulatory Brief: India Ease of Doing Business Rankings, States Seek Mining Ordinance Concessions
In this week’s Regulatory Brief, we look at the Indian government’s plan to begin ranking states by their ease of doing business, and discuss how mineral-rich states are seeking to relax new guidelines from the Mines and Minerals Development and Regulation Amendment Ordinance.