Expert Commentary: Joint Ventures for Market Entry in India
Although entering into a JV with a domestic partner is required for foreign companies seeking to operate in sectors that do not permit 100 percent FDI, a growing number of JVs with Indian firms are being established for strategic market advantage rather than legal necessity.
Resident Director Requirement Goes Into Effect Under Updated Companies Act
Subsidiaries of foreign companies in India will be required to have at least on resident director on its board by 1st April, 2015, in accordance with the updated Companies Act 2013.
Securities and Exchange Board of India Granted More Powers to Protect Investors
On Tuesday, the Securities Laws (Amendment) Bill 2014 was passed by the Rajya Sabha, India’s upper house, after being passed by the Lok Sabha, the lower house, last week.
Indian Regulator Approves REITs to Streamline FDI into Burgeoning Property Market
On Sunday, India’s capital market regulator, The Securities & Exchange Board of India, in a long-awaited announcement, revealed the guidelines for real estate investment trusts, as well as infrastructure investment trusts.
India Makes Plans to Adopt International Industrial Coding System to Attract FDI
The Indian government plans to adopt the international industrial coding system to simplify and clarify policy and economic information for foreign investors as part of its plan to overhaul foreign direct investment policy under Modi’s administration.
Cabinet Approves Changes to Manufacturing Labor Laws in India
In a landmark decision last month, India’s Union Cabinet approved a proposal to amend three key labor laws including the Factories Act 1948, Apprentices Act 1961 and Labor Laws Act 1988.
DIPP to Process All Single-Brand Retail Proposals Within 90 Days
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) has set a 90 day maximum time frame to process all outstanding FDI proposals in single-brand retail.
Political Contributions in India: A Guide for Foreign Companies
While laws governing political contributions in the United States and Europe are relatively straightforward, restrictions in India are slightly more complex. In this article, we outline the legal framework governing political contributions from enterprises and the implications for foreign businesses.