Legal & Regulatory

India’s Bilateral Investment Treaties


Op-Ed Commentary: Chris Devonshire-Ellis Jul. 2 – Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are an oft-ignored part of bilateral trade, commerce and investment between two countries, and have often been superseded by other, more detailed trade agreements such as double taxation agreements (DTAs). Nonetheless, for many countries, BIT agreements remain the only basis on which to mutually […]

Indian Gov’t Meets with Global Retailers to Review FDI Policy


Jun. 28 – Representatives from the Indian government met with foreign and domestic retailers this week to reevaluate its foreign direct investment policy. India’s Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma liaised with leaders from companies such as Walmart, Tesco, Carrefour, Bharti, Aditya Birla Group, Tatas, Reliance and Pantaloon. Sharma stated that the purpose of the […]

India to Limit Media Monopolies


Jun. 19 – The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is set to recommend that an “institutional buffer between corporate owners and newspaper management” be created to better guide the country’s media industry and to prevent monopolies by way of cross-media ownership restrictions. The recommendation is based on the principle that corporate ownership of media […]

India Raises Import Duty on Gold and Platinum


In an attempt to slow the country’s consumption of imported metals, India’s Ministry of Finance raised the import duty on gold and platinum this week from 6 to 8 percent.

New Bill to Bring Greater Regulation to Real Estate Sector


India’s Union Cabinet passed the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill 2013 this week that will put into effect a uniform regulatory system for real estate developers.

India Narrows “Tolerance Band” for Related-Party Transactions


India’s central government recently issued notification F. No. 500/185/2011 FTD 1 to narrow the “tolerance band” used in calculating the arm’s length range for related-party transactions.

Further Tax Amendments Receive Approval in India


India recently passed amendments to its Finance Bill. Tax on share buybacks will now be raised to 20 percent, while the tax on technical service fees provided to non-residents will also be raised from 10 percent to 25 percent.

Bombay Stock Exchange Launches Shariah Index


The Bombay Stock Exchange has become India’s first stock exchange to launch an Islamic-focused Index, calling it the S&P BSE 500 Shariah Index. It will be compliant with Islamic canonical law in choosing investments.

Showing 8 of 730 articles
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