Tax & Accounting

India’s Free Trade and Double Tax Agreements – New Issue of India Briefing Magazine Out Now


In this issue of India Briefing magazine, we take a look at the bilateral and multilateral trade agreements and DTAAs that India has in place.

Switzerland Approves Automatic Information Exchange with India to Curb Tax Evasion


India’s automatic exchange of information pact (AEOI) with Switzerland will take force in 2018, and the first exchange of information will take place in 2019. This will boost India’s efforts to track black money and curb tax evasion.

IT Sector in India Shocked by US$1.55 Billion in Tax Notices


India’s federal tax body has sent tax notices to more than 200 companies in the IT sector claiming for return of export benefits enjoyed by such firms over the last 5 years plus service tax and fines. Here we briefly discuss the main contention.

The GST in India: Tax Rates Slashed, Some Compliance Relaxed


Last week, the GST Council announced several revisions to the indirect tax regime, making it more business-friendly. In this article, we highlight the most significant changes announced.

Indian Income Tax Returns – Filing Date Extended to November 7 for FY 2016-17


India’s federal tax body has extended the final date for filing income tax returns (ITR) and submitting reports for audit for FY 2016-17. This time around taxpayers will need to disclose their Aadhaar number, and additional banking and financial information.

Reverse Charge Mechanism in the Import of Services under GST


The new Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime introduces the reverse charge mechanism (RCM) to ensure the government receives tax on supplies of goods and services by unregistered suppliers. This article briefly discusses the mechanism.

Flexi-Staffing Industry in India: GST Impact, Regulations


Under GST, the tax rate on all staffing firms is pegged at 18 percent. This article discusses the impact of GST on the flexible staffing industry, and its impact on doing business in India.

Exporters in India Suffer under GST Regime – Delays in Refund Processing, Malfunctioning System


Exporters in India are facing a major working capital crunch under refund rules of GST law and the malfunctioning of the GSTN system. We briefly discuss these challenges and the government response.

Showing 8 of 586 articles
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  • The IT Sector: Time to Invest in India
  • Tax, Accounting and Audit in India 2017-18 (3rd Edition)
  • India's Digital Payments Future
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2017
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