Tax & Accounting

Lower Income Tax on Digital Turnover for Small Businesses in India


The Indian government announced lower income taxes on digital earnings of small business with a turnover of US$ 294,771 towards developing the cashless economy. Learn more about how such businesses can benefit and increase their bottom line.

Simplifying Personal Tax Filing in India – Digital Solutions and New Initiatives by the Government


India’s tax department has launched various initiatives to improve the personal tax filing interface in the country. This article highlights some of the new initiatives begun by the government and points to the need for a similar overhaul in the post-filing set up for businesses in India.

Taxation of Job Work under the Model GST Law


The Model GST Law (MGL) enhances the scope of the category of ‘job work’ in India as it seeks to widen the country’s taxpayer base. This article examines the change in definition, clarifications for principal manufacturers, and calculation of input tax credit with respect to inputs sent for job work.

Tax, Accounting, and Audit in India 2016-2017: New Publication from India Briefing


Tax, Accounting, and Audit in India 2016 – 17, out now and available for download in the Asia Briefing Bookstore, offers a comprehensive overview of the major taxes that foreign investors are likely to encounter when establishing or operating a business in India.

GST in Indian Taxation: A Paradigm Shift


After decade long deliberations, the landmark passage of India’s GST Constitutional Amendment Bill reinstates hope for a uniform system of indirect taxation throughout the country. In this article, we examine the impact of GST on the Indian economy.

India’s GST Bill – A Critical Evaluation


The proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will drastically alter the tax landscape in India, and if implemented, will have a significant impact on businesses in the country. Read our critical evaluation of the proposed GST regime to know all about the impact it will have on India’s business environment and the wider economy.

An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2016 – New Publication from Dezan Shira & Associates


An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2016, designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing and doing business in India, is out now and available for complimentary download through the Asia Briefing publications store.

India’s Tax Bodies Pledge Better Service, Expanded Reforms


India’s primary tax bodies, the CBDT and CBEC recently announced reforms in the tax regime and better service. In our latest article, we assess the impact of the pledged reforms on domestic and foreign investment. This week’s article also analyzes the impact of the newly established non-adversarial tax regime in India, which is deemed critical for India to achieve strong economic development.

Showing 8 of 586 articles
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Related reading
  • The IT Sector: Time to Invest in India
  • Tax, Accounting and Audit in India 2017-18 (3rd Edition)
  • India's Digital Payments Future
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2017
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