India’s Public Sector Banking Crisis on Foreign Investment
A recent study by Moody’s outlines a potential solvency and liquidity crisis in India’s public sector banks. Here, we analyze the potential impact of the crisis, focusing on how it would affect foreign investment into the country.
India Signs OECD Country-by-Country Reporting Agreement
The article analyzes the impact on companies as India signs the OECD Country-by-Country Reporting Agreement. The report on Country-by-Country reporting provides a template for MNEs to file an annual report for each tax jurisdiction in which they do business.
India Passes Comprehensive Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law
Assesses the new Indian Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2015. The code creates a comprehensive system to aid companies navigate through insolvency. The law is an important step to aid India’s growth in the international economy.
Foreign-owned Asset Management Companies Stymied by Conflicting Minimum Capital Requirements
India has two laws that demand conflicting and oppressive minimum capital requirements of foreign-owned asset management companies. This article discusses the impact of the aforementioned laws even as domestic asset management firms operate under different and relaxed norms.
Dissecting the India-Mauritius Amended Tax Treaty
As India seeks to crackdown on tax evasion, the amended India-Mauritius DTAA aims to close loopholes, ending a 33 year journey which allowed capital gains tax exemption. In this article, we examine how the agreement in structured.
FATCA Leads to Stricter Reporting and More Taxation for Non-U.S. Mutual Funds
In July last year, India and the United States signed an agreement to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). In this article, we analyze the tax consequences that the act is currently having on U.S. businesses in India.
India Targets Foreign Portfolio Investments for Ease of Doing Business
Analyzes the regulatory environment for foreign portfolio investments in India. The regulations were changed to improve the Ease of Doing Business.
India Regulatory Brief: Government Retracts Pension Tax, Regulator Improves Taxpayer Services
In this week’s Market Watch, we examine the government’s flip-flop on the pension tax, tax relief for infrastructure developers, and the an improvement in taxpayer services by the tax regulator.