Analyzing the Auditor’s Report in India
In this article, we introduce the role and scope of an auditor’s report in India, and highlight the important sections of their brief.
India and Mauritius to Begin Automatic Exchange of Tax-Related Information
With new data indicating Singapore overtook Mauritius as the leading source of FDI into India last year, Mauritius has announced it will begin participating in an automatic exchange of tax-related information with the Indian government.
Detecting and Avoiding Fraud in India
For companies with operations in India, it is important to maintain an awareness of what constitutes fraud, and the fine line between fraud and error during an audit. Here, we outline common forms of fraud and review risk management protocols that can help enterprises avoid these pitfalls.
Ensuring a Smooth Audit in India: Key Considerations
With proper advice and some relevant knowledge of the local operating environment, foreign investors will find that India’s legal and financial operational procedures are not as complex as they may have initially thought.
IFRS Convergence: Audit Season in India
While accounting standards in India differ slightly from the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Indian Accounting Standards are likely to converge with the IFRS in the foreseeable future.
Understanding Annual Audit in India: An Overview
In an excerpt from India Briefing Magazine, we provide important tips for the smooth navigation of the country’s audit regulations and accounting standards.
ICAI Submits Revised IFRS Conversion Road Map Ahead of Annual Audit Season
India’s Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has recommended a new timeline for the convergence of Indian Accounting Standards with the International Financial Reporting Standards.
An Introduction to India’s Audit Process: New Issue of India Briefing Magazine
In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we provide readers with an overview of India’s annual audit process and offer important tips for the smooth navigation of the country’s audit regulations and accounting standards.