Tax & Accounting

Capital Gains Tax Exemptions on the Sale of House Property in India


Aug. 16 – Capital gains are profits that arise out of the transfer of a capital asset. In India, house property sales are considered taxable capital assets and are taxed appropriately as part of someone’s income taxes. Therefore, any gains derived from the sale of a house are taxable at India’s capital gains tax rate […]

Calculating Withholding Taxes in India


Aug. 9 – Withholding taxes are a government’s way of making sure that the proper taxes are paid on an item by way of either withholding or deducting the relevant tax amount from an individual’s or an enterprise’s income. They are of particular note to international companies doing business with India yet without a presence […]

India Extends Income Tax Filing Deadline to August 5th


India’s Ministry of Finance has extended the deadline for filing IIT in India from July 31st to August 5th Aug. 1 – “Due to large number of taxpayers accessing the e-fling website on the due date of filing, some cases of taxpayers not being able to access the e-filing portal have been reported. These problems […]

Could India Manufacture the iPad?


The reason for the introduction of the luxury tax is that India now wishes to discourage the importation of foreign products that do not add to India’s FDI or domestic manufacturing position – in my view a fair enough stance to take. But coupled with that is the question over Indian manufacturing capabilities. Could Indian companies manufacture the iPad? Are the competencies and financial strengths there?

India to Raise Import Taxes on Luxury Items


India will increase import duties on a number of luxury items, including automobiles, televisions, high-end mobile phones, tablets, laptops and exotic foods. The increases are targeted at imported consumer goods that add no manufacturing or FDI value to the country.

New Issue of Asia Briefing: An Introduction to Tax Treaties Throughout Asia


In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we look at the various types of trade and tax treaties that exist between Asian nations. These include bilateral investment treaties and also the meatier double tax treaties and free trade agreements that directly affect businesses operating in Asia.

Compliance Requirements for Companies in India


By CA. Ravikant Modi and CA. Manoj Kumar, Dezan Shira & Associates, India Offices Jul. 8 – There are a number of ways to start a business in India, ranging from a joint venture to a liaison office. Whatever route you choose, it is important to have an understanding of the subsequent compliance issues, as these […]

Indian SEZs Receive Service Tax Exemptions


Jul. 3 – India’s Ministry of Finance has agreed to exempt service tax charges on developers and units operating within the country’s special economic zones (SEZs). The exemption will be available as a service tax refund for specified services received by units and developers within the SEZs. Taxes levied on services used exclusively for operations […]

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  • Tax, Accounting and Audit in India 2017-18 (3rd Edition)
  • India's Digital Payments Future
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2017
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