India Considers New Law to Regulate Micro-lenders
The Indian government recently proposed to establish a new law in order to better regulate the country’s microfinance industry that is faced with complaints of aggressive lending practices and high interest rates.
HSBC India Foreign Bank Account Client Indicted on FBAR Tax Return Charges
Jul. 8 – The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced last week the indictment of an HSBC India client on four counts of filing false tax returns and four counts of failure to file a Foreign Bank Account Report, form TD F 90-22.1 (FBAR). Each tax return charge can result […]
Payment of MCA 21 Fees/ROC Fees through NEFT
MCA 21 payments can be done via credit card, internet banking and physical challan currently. Now, the ministry has recognized five banks (Indian Bank, HDFC, ICICI, PNB and SBI) for collection of MCA 21 fees, which means that only the account holders of these banks can avail Internet banking facility.
Verifying the Accuracy of TDS Certificates
Jun. 28 – India’s National Securities Depository Ltd. (NSDL) has now begun an online service whereby any deductee can verify the accuracy of the TDS Certificate (Form 16A) issued by the deductor. For this particular purpose, the deductee must have the following details, or should have a copy of the TDS certificate issued by the […]
MCA Proposes Mandatory Demat Deposit Receipts of Public Companies
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has suggested vide notification dated June 6, 2011 that all public companies and their subsidiaries convert share certificates and bonds into an electronic (Demat) form.
Balance Sheets, Profit and Loss Accounts Now in XBRL Format
India’s Ministry of Corporate Affairs has decided to get the filing of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss accounts in extensible business reporting language format. The financial statements to be filed will be based on taxonomies of XBRL as per the Accounting Standards notified under the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006.
India Signs Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement with Ethiopia
May 31 – India signed a double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on May 25, 2011 for the prevention of double taxation and fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. The contract was signed by External Affairs Minister of India on behalf of the Government of India and […]
Escrow Mechanism
May 10 – The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed AD Category – I Banks (AD Banks) to permit assurance of shares of an Indian company seized by non-residents subject to under the following situation: Assurance in favor of Indian banks in India Reason: Shares may be assured to secure credit facilities comprehensive to […]