Can India’s Automotive Industry Benefit amid Western Tensions with China?
We examine how India’s automotive industry is poised to experience high growth, led by investments in EV manufacturing, OEM, and higher-tech capacity build.
Investing in India’s Healthcare Sector – New Issue of India Briefing Magazine Out Now
In this issue of India Briefing Magazine, we examine emerging opportunities in India’s healthcare sector, growth drivers, major market players, and incentives available.
India’s Mandatory Tax Compliances in September 2022: Key Dates
We list India’s key dates in September 2022, which are relevant for taxpayers to fulfill their income tax and goods and services tax (GST) related compliances.
IPEF Releases Ministerial Statements Concerning the Pillars; India Skips Trade Pillar
We list the outcomes of the fist in-person IPEF Ministerial conference held on September 8-9, 2022 in Los Angeles, California.
India Attends First In-Person IPEF Ministerial Conference
India will be part of three out of four pillars of the US-led IPEF framework – resilient economy (supply chain), clean economy (decarbonization and infrastructure), and fair economy (anti-corruption and tax).
Everything You Need to Know About the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)
We answer key questions around the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), implications for member countries, and its impact on China and relevance to RCEP.
India’s EV Manufacturing Capacity and Market Preferences
While India’s EV industry is at a nascent stage of growth, it will benefit from a strong auto manufacturing ecosystem and large consumer base.
Future of Mobility in India: Clean, Shared, and Automated Transport
Clean mobility is getting a serious push in India, benefitting from government policies, industry transition, and renewable energy solutions.